E.ON EleCoins

Energy Trading App


An 8 weeks project for a User Experience Design Module. The brief was to develop an innovative smart energy service for the year 2027. E.ON EleCoins enables users to track their energy consumption; facilitates trading of energy and microgeneration and gamifies energy experience.


A group of students who is living together was interviewed to gain insights into their energy behavior. Observations were also made on how their appliances were being used.

Key Insights

Their bills are inclusive, so saving energy is lower down their priorities.

Save energy for the environment, not for money, but won’t sacrifice their comfort for it.

Have basic understanding of which electrical devices consumes more energy. But no quantitative value.

Open to the idea of online trading with strangers if there is a monetary reward. Less inclined if done in person.

Don’t mind sharing energy consumption with local community but doesn’t think it would help because they don’t have a social bond with them.


By 2027, wearable technology will wide adopted by the general public. All appliances will also be smart and internet connected which means that it can measure its own energy consumption; raw usage data and NFC. Smart metering infrastructure would almost reach its maturity and peer-to-peer energy trading would be possible.


Using block-chain, EleCoins will be the digital currency for peer-to-peer energy trading to make it easier for people to understand the quantitative value of energy.

Usage Insights

With smart appliances, users will gain deeper information on their behavior. On top of their usage, they will also know their efficiency, habits and most importantly, how to be better.

External Data

Using external data such as weather predictions, user’s schedule, environmental sensors, the system will be able to give better recommendations and tips on how they can be more sustainable.

Game Mechanics

With individual energy tracking, users can compare their energy consumption with each other as well as any local community they are about with the aim to compete with each other.

E.ON EleCoins is a service aim to facilitate peer-to-peer energy trading; give user better insights into their energy consumption; giving them smarter and relatable tips and gamifies their experiences with energy consumption.

© 2019 Pete Chiewhawan / All Rights Reserved