
Smart city event finding app


A 12 weeks project for a User Experience Design Module. The brief was to design a smartphone app that enhances the experience of Smart City living. Cobble aims to capitalise on spontaneous decision making, connecting like-minded individuals within the local area using smart, flexible infrastructure.


Joanne Hussey

Age 20, Student and an Administration Assistant at Loughborough and Southampton

Jo is in her 2nd year and studying Management Science. She is involved in the AU Netball as well as playing numerous sports for her department. Right before coming back to university, her family decided to move to a new area quite far away from where she grew up. She is really struggling to feel fully comfortable every time she goes back to see her parents because she has been living at university for longer than her actual home. Plus, she doesn’t have any friends in the new area whereas she is surrounded by friends in Loughborough.

Jo has weekly netball training and match scheduled plus her department sports commitments. However, these aren’t fixed and to constantly change. She is dedicated to her fitness program where she needs to have a calorie deficit by the end of each day but she does not want to commit to another sport team due to her work load.

Insights From Interview


Within Large cities, it is easy to live an isolated life due to professional commitments. People struggle to take part in social sports. Cobble is designed to quickly connect people with others to available local spaces.


There are people who simply can’t commit to team sports due to professional commitments. Cobble aims to capture spontaneous decisions and social engagement by connecting like-minded people together.


The availability of who you know shouldn’t dictate what you can do. Cobble will allow users to join and host events; thus, helping to open up their social group within their area.


In a busy urban environment, local venues are easy to miss. Cobble will provide the user with live, up to date, local sporting activities that are happening near them.


By taking the advantage of smart city infrastructure, cobble is able to make use of every available spaces. Available spaces can be anywhere that aren’t always being used. For example car parks are busy during the day but almost completely empty at night this space can then be utilised as a social venue.

Cobble aims to capitalise on spontaneous decision making, connecting like-minded individuals and sporting desires within the local area using smart and flexible infrastructure.


Paper Prototype and Testing

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